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登记状态 开业 成立日期 1999-05-25
注册资本 2100万人民币 企业类型 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股) 核准日期 2016-09-06
统一社会信用代码 91610622X23525**** 组织机构代码 X23525*** 工商注册号 61262210000****
所属行业 机动车、电子产品和日用产品修理业 所在地区 陕西省.延安市.延川县
营业期限 登记机关 延川县市场监督管理局 人员规模 55
企业地址 陕西省延安市延川县马家河枣湾村 查看地图
经营范围 许可经营项目:。 一般经营项目:粮食购销,进出口贸易,红枣系列产品及其它农副产品的加工、购销;苹果、杂粮、小米、粉条销售;手工艺品、旅游纪念品销售;果酒加工、销售;旅游业务;电子商务(金融业务除外);二类机动车维修(大中型客车整车修理,大型货车整车修理,小型汽车整车修理,总成修理,整车维护,小修,专项维修);汽车配件、机动设备、二类机电、五金、电器、电缆、电料、润滑油、建材、消防器材、机械配件、水暖器材、石油化工设备、管材、抽油机、井下工具的销售,机械加工、保养(只限分支机构);房屋租赁;预包装食品销售。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)


专注于红枣养生事业 【研发/创新】 企业简介

  延川县宏达有限责任公司是陕西省农化重点龙头企业和农业部国家加工技术的研发中心。公司创建于1999年5月,注册资金2100万元。总部位于延川县北新街,下设行政部、财务部、生产部、质检部、采购部、研发中心、营销中心等部门,现有员工136人,研究生以上学历12人、本科学历20人、专科学历50人。 生产基地位于黄河峡谷红枣产业带的马家河工业园区,按照GMP和HACCP设计规范建设,是西北地区规模最大、起点最高、技术最先进的万吨级红枣加工基地,占地面积近50亩,生产厂房建筑面积20000平方米。公司业绩得到了各级领导和广大消费者的肯定和信赖,于多所院校和研究所建立“产学研”合作模式,使公司始终处于同行业领先地位。2009年被国家农业部认定为国家红枣加工技术研发分中心,同年被陕西省中小企业促进局认定为陕西省中小企业创新研发中心;公司旗下“骐鸿”、“CCC"商标被陕西省工商管理局授予陕西省著名商标和延安市知名商标。公司被列为“省重点龙头企业”。


  Focus on red dates health care【R&D/Innovation】 Company Profile

Yanchuan Hongda Co. Ltd. is a leading agricultural company of Shaanxi Province and a processing technology R&D center designated by the China Ministry of Agriculture. Founded in May 1999 with a registered capital of RMB 21million Yuan, the company is based in Beixin Street of the Yanchuan County and has the departments of administration, finance and accounting, production, quality testing, procurement, R&D and marketing. Among its 136 staff members, 12 have master degrees, 20 bachelor degree and 50 higher diploma. The 4-hectare production base and the 20,000 sq. meter factory are located in the Majiahe Industrial Garden inside the Yellow River Canyon Red Date Production Belt according to the GMP and HACCP certification, which is also the largest best-in-class 10,000-ton red date processing base in northwest China. The company maintains its leadership and excellence by joining hands with institutions of high learning and research. In 2009 the company became a national sub-center of red date processing technology designated by China National Ministry of Agriculture, a SME Innovation and R&D Center by Shaanxi Province. Its brands of Qihong and CCC have been recognized as a famous trademark by both the Province of Shaanxi and the City of Yanan. In the meantime the company has been listed as a Provincial Leading Company.

Our products includes dried red date, preserved dates, fragrant crisp date, concentration date juice, red date juice and red date powder etc. with an annual output and revenue standing at 15,000 tons and RMB 160 million Yuan. In 2011 the exports has reached USD 1. 32 million. During the period of the 10th Five-Year Plan te company will expand its production line for red date powdered solid drink, build a high tech activated carbon processing production line, raising the product added value and core competence of the company and increasing the social and economic benefits. The company will also build a large-scale red date market in the Majiahe Industrial Garden to promote the international sales of red dates, which is going to be the largest terminal market for red dates in northwest China and boost the social and economic development of the Yanchuan County. By the end of the 20th

  Five-Year Plan, the company will accomplish a gross sales revenue of USD 260 million, a total export revenue of USD 10 million, a net profit of RMB 36 million Yuan and a paid tax of RMB 30 million Yuan.


公司名称 手机电话 联系人 职务 来源
延川县宏达有限责任公司 133-1****** (登录查看) ****** (登录查看)
延川县宏达有限责任公司 4001-****** (登录查看) 王 * 芳 ****** (登录查看)
延川县宏达有限责任公司 0911-****** (登录查看) 任加伟 ****** (登录查看)
延川县宏达有限责任公司 0911-****** (登录查看) ****** (登录查看)
延川县宏达有限责任公司 137-7****** (登录查看) ****** (登录查看)
延川县宏达有限责任公司 132-8****** (登录查看) ****** (登录查看)
延川县宏达有限责任公司 151-2****** (登录查看) ****** (登录查看)

电子邮箱 1

公司名称 邮箱 联系人 职务 来源
延川县宏达有限责任公司 57394****** (登录查看) 任加伟 ****** (登录查看)
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